Application Method

Hokkaido University (HU) students do not have to submit applications on this website.
HU students just need to register for the HSI courses in the course registration period at the beginning of the semester/term. Course numbers required on course registration are available in “HU students Course Code” on each course page.


Courses will be provided as Inter-Faculty Classes for undergraduate students, and as Inter-Graduate School Classes for graduate students. See the Course List page for further course information. By clicking the title of each course, you can move to each course page where detailed information (course description, Time Table, etc.) is available. From April onwards, detailed information including course number and course venue will be available on the website.
Some courses will also be offered as specialized courses of the organizing undergraduate/ graduate schools. Detailed information will be available here from April onward.
You may count a HSI course toward your degree credit. For details, please refer to your student handbook or consult the academic affairs office of your undergraduate/ graduate schools.

Course Posters

Coming soon!

Tuition Fees

No extra tuition fee is charged. However, some courses require additional fees (e.g., for accommodation during field training); for details, please check the course page of courses you wish to take.
The fees that will be required for courses will be collected in cash at a later date. Accordingly, students should prepare the necessary cash amount for fee payment.

Class Locations

Classroom information will be available on each course page from April onward. However, only the information regarding classrooms on the first day will be provided. Classrooms may change for subsequent lectures. Please confirm the latest information in the first class of each course. (Some courses may be conducted over the Internet as online classes.)

International Exchange Activities

Hokkaido Summer Institute Managing Section is planning to offer international exchange events for HU students and overseas students who participate in the HSI2025 program. In the past, we held “toGATHER, “Scavenger HUNT”, “Dan-Go!”, “Let’s soo-men!” and “The HSI SDGs Challenge Competition”.
If you are interested in organizing and/or joining such activities, please contact Hokkaido Summer Institute Managing Section using Contact Form.

Please check HSI official Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updated event information. Event reports are also available there.
■X (formerly Twitter): @Hokkaido_SI
■Instagram: hokkaido_si